Thursday, November 24, 2011

Marriage Mission!! New Years Resolution preview:)

I'm super excited and perhaps a bit ahead here but here goes! I have a New Years blog resolution that I feel God just laid on my heart to share! I am convicted to my core that with a strong, loving, serving, and passionate marriage, our children will be forever blessed! When we serve our spouse consistently, Christ's love shines day in and day out. We can serve our friends and our church until we are blue in the face but if we do not make it a priority to serve our spouse with the same veracity we are sadly missing the mark! We are called to love our husbands and children in Titus 2 and we have to make this a heartfelt priority!

We have to truly "be doers of the word" for James 1:22 (ESV) states "But be doers of the word, not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." I don't want to be mediocre in any sense. Mediocrity is simply a willingness to live with half of your heart and I adamantly refuse! :) I want to strive for what God called our marriage to reflect as seen in Ephesians 5!
Therefore, starting New Years day I am going to blog every Monday about one way which I will seek to serve him that week with a related bible verse. Its a secret mission of sorts since he will not know about it which excites me immensely! I also will endeavor to pray each day for God's mighty hand to direct our marriage and will pray for any of you if you would like! I will call it "Marriage Mondays!" Oh how I hope you will join me and do the same for you marriage! I will also try to find links to great date night ideas- if you have any please comment below!:)

Our sweet children will feel so utterly loved when mom and dad truly love and serve one another consistently and outwardly! I cannot wait to start on this journey. I feel too often in marriage we are content with mediocrity or less. We complain and nag instead of committing to serve without condition. I love the verse in that states that Jesus, our precious Savior came "to Serve" Why am I so apt to demand my way?
The bible clearly states in Matthew 20:28

"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
I complain because my needs are not being met- how can I become more like Jesus when I am self-focused? I am so incredibly blessed with a wonderful, precious husband who loves Jesus and I cannot wait to start serving him more intentionally!! God is so faithful and I know he will bless this mission! I love seeing God move with all of my heart!

(*** I wanted to make a special note for single mothers- First- you are incredible! I am amazed by my friends who are single moms who just envelop their children with love and provide so wonderfully for their sweet babies! I am utterly amazed by your strength and I know for a fact that marriage or no marriage- God can use us to be great ambassadors for Chriat as moms!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea, Ashley! I agree with you, and I know I could do better serving my husband. I can't wait to hear about your adventures with this mission!
